Friday, November 28, 2008

My First Foto Friday... I mentioned yesterday, my plan is to take and post a picture every Friday of something that caught my eye, puzzled me or really made me ponder on that particular day. There were a few things that caught my eye today. I am only posting one of them and hoping that at least one of my local readers will be able to figure out where this shot was taken! Good luck:)


Thursday, November 27, 2008


Welcome to my blog and thank you to everyone who has commented...i love to see a new comment, they really do mean a lot to me!!!

Just wanted to let y'all know that I'm starting ----foto friday---- on my blog. Every friday I will take a picture of something that inspired me that particular day and post it on my blog. So keep yourselves updated with the latest foto on friday and leave a comment:) First foto will be posted tomorrow:)


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shadow Girl...

Last month was a fairly hard month. Our family dog became very sick and we unfortunately had to make that decision to put her to sleep. Shadow was the only dog our family had ever we had never been through this experience before. I think it was one of the hardest things we had to do as a family. Shadow was almost 12years old and was such a huge part of our lives. It is such an adjustment getting used to life without her here. Hearing her walking on the wood floor, snoring or barking at us to go outside are just a few of things we miss about her. She was such a great dog and gave so much to us as a family! We are so grateful to have had her as part of our family.....miss you Shadow girl!! xoxo

Monday, November 24, 2008

In Love...

There are no words to express how much I love this little pumpkin!!! Next to get her big brother out for some fun shots, can't wait! Enjoy.



Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Little Country in the City...

I had the opportunity to take some great outside shots today. My mom wanted to go for a drive to find some twigs and greenery in order to make her beautiful Christmas pots this year. I decided to tag along with her and bring my handy point shoot. Wow...I am sure happy I did!!!! We drove just a little north of Ajax and I was able to take some fantastic shots.

I love the city, but I adore the country. I love how I can just go for a little drive and feel like I am in the heart of the country. There is something very relaxing about the simplicity of country life.

I have also come to the conclusion that photoshop and I need a little more time (perhaps a course or two) to figure out our differences. In the meantime, I came across a pretty funky (and free) photo editing program called PICNIK. I was able to play around with the program a little bit. Take a peak at a few of the shots from today.

